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How Uncle Chen Runs Every Marathon While Smoking?

Image Source: Runners World

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Image Source: Runners World

A man from China named Uncle Chen is hitting the headlines with his performance.

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Image Source: Runners World

A marathon named Xin’anjiang Marathon was held in Jiande, China.

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Image Source: Runners World

Uncle Chen finished the marathon in 3:28 timed and placed himself in 574th out of more than 1500 runners.

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Image Source: Runners World

The interesting thing is that Uncle Chen ran the whole marathon while chain-smoking.

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Image Source: Runners World

And it is not the first time when he did so.

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Image Source: Runners World

In 2018, he ran Guangzhou Marathon (finished at 3:36), and in 2019 Xiamen Marathon (finished at 3:32).

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Image Source: Runners World

He always runs marathons while smoking and thus gets the nickname Smoking Brother.

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Image Source: Runners World

He always runs marathons while smoking and thus gets the nickname Smoking Brother.

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Image Source: Runners World

What is the secret of 50-years-old Uncle Chen?

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Image Source: Runners World

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